Parallel communication

In this lab exercise, we’ll learn how to connect external parts using a parallel communication vus. At the end of this lab, you should be able to:



Find these parts in your kit, and set them aside until you need them:

Trimmer potentiometer

A trimpot or trimmer potentiometer is a potentiometer that is often used to make adjustments in a circuit. For example, you might use a trimpot to tune the sensitivity of a passive infrared sensor, or to adjust the volume in an audio circuit. Today, we’ll use it to adjust the contrast of an LCD display.


The potentiometer has a strip of resistive material connected across the two outer terminals. The total resistance of this material is fixed.

The middle terminal is connected to a “wiper”, that divides the resistive material into two parts. When you turn the knob, you adjust the position of the wiper, and in turn, how much of the total resistance is between the first pin and middle pin vs. how much is between the middle pin and outer pin.

Key potentiometer properties:

The resistance marked on the trimpot is the total resistance across the two outer terminals. The resistance is not marked using color codes. Instead, the trimpot is labeled with a three-digit number. (Surface-mount resistors are also labeled this way). The first two digits indicate the resistance, and the last digit indicates the power of ten by which to multiply to get the resistor value.

Your trimpot should have a “103” marking, indicating a 10kΩ resistance across the two outer terminals. (It may also be marked with a model number, and a “T” designation indicating that it has a knob attached.)

16x2 character LCD

The 16x2 character LCD is a small display that can show two lines of text or other symbols, with 16 characters on each line.

This module actually includes multiple parts on a single PCB. Here’s a block diagram that shows how it all works together:

Block diagram of 16x2 character LCD. (Source)

We’ll review each of these parts in turn.

First, the LCD panel and LED backlight. The following figure shows a disassembled LCD panel and backlight. A metal frame (A) is positioned over the LCD “glass” (B). Between the LCD and the PCB (G) is a reflector (F), lightguide (E) and LEDs mounted to small PCD (D), and a diffuser (C). These layers work together to “spread” the light across the back of the LCD panel.

Disassembled LCD panel and backlight. (Image source)

The backlight is powered across the positive and negative pins of the LED, which are connected to pins 15 and 16 on the header.

On some boards, a series resistor may be connected between pin 15 and the positive terminal of the backlight LED, to limit current to the LED. For example, in the following image, you can see that there is a PCB trace connecting pin 15 in the header to the resistor labeled R8 (and with a 101 marking on it, indicating 100Ω resistance), and a trace connecting the other end of the resistor to the pin marked “A” - the anode of the backlight LED.

Image of back of LCD module.

However, not all LCD modules include that current limiting resistor between the LED supply voltage pins and the LED. To be safe, we will use an external resistor to limit current to the backlight.

In the LCD glass itself, there are a series of electrodes arranged in horizontal and vertical lines. At the intersection of lines, the electric field from the voltage applied to the electrodes affects the polarization of light through the liquid crystal material contained in the glass, making it appear either dark or transparent.

For the 16x2 character LCD, each character is created from a 5x8 matrix - i.e. 8 rows of electrodes and 5 columns. In the following photograph, you can see the 5x8 matrix for each position in the top line.

Each “character” is created by turning the squares in a 5x8 matrix on or off.

With a 5x8 matrix for each character, and 16x2 characters, it takes a lot of connections to control the LCD! That’s the main function of the IC labeled “Driving IC” in the block diagram. The “control IC”, which is the main “brain” of the module, doesn’t have enough pins to control all of the electrodes. The “driving IC” expands the number of outputs available, so that we can control each electrode.

The two ICs are located underneath the black epoxy “blobs” that you can see on the back of the module.

We mentioned that the “brain” of the module is the control IC. A popular control IC for these modules is the HD44780. You may also see LCD modules as being “HD44780-compatible”, which means that they use the same command set as the HD44780 IC, and the same parallel communication interface. We’ll discuss the HD44780 IC in more detail in the rest of this document.

Variations on the 16x2 character LCD: There are a couple of widely available LCD modules that are very similar to the one we just described:

Parallel communication with 16x2 character LCD

In this exercise, we will practice using a parallel communication interface with the 16x2 character LCD.

You will need to follow along with two datasheets:

The most common driver IC for these character LCDs is the HD44780, however, there are many HD44780-compatible ICs that use the same parallel communication bus and have the same instruction set. The SPLC780 driver IC has a much more readable datasheet, so we’ll use that as our reference.

Pinout of 16x2 character LCD

The standard 16x2 character LCD has 16 pins. Page 5 of the LCD module datasheet has the following table, which lists the pins and their functions:

Pin functions, from page 5 of the datasheet

On some modules, every pin is labeled. On other modules, only pin 1 and pin 16 are labeled. Find the pin labels on your LCD module, and make sure you can identify each pin.

Power to LCD module

Our first step in working with any peripheral device will be to figure out how to power it! From the pin functions table above, we know that pins 1 and 2 are used to power the module, pin 3 is used to adjust power to the LCD glass, and pins 15 and 16 are used to power the LED backlight. However, we still need to find out what level of supply voltage is required.

For most parts, the datasheet will have a “DC Electrical Characteristics” or similar section with important information on how to power the part. Here’s the relevant table from page 5 of the LCD module datasheet:

DC electrical characteristics, from page 5 of the datasheet.

According to the datasheet, the LCD expects a 5V supply voltage, so we’ll use the 5V supply rail on the Pi. (The 5V power supply rail should also be able to supply the required current for the ICs, which is on the order of 10s of mA as per the datasheet.)

The LED backlight is powered separately from the rest of the connection. Here is the “LED Backlight Characteristics” table, from page 5 of the LCD module datasheet:

LED backlight characteristics, from page 5 of the datasheet.

The LED backlight has a forward voltage of approximately 3.2V, and the current through the LED should not exceed 30mA. We’ll use a 220Ω resistor in series with the 5V supply voltage to limit the LED backlight current to (5-3.2)V/220Ω.

(Your LCD module may already have a small current-limiting resistor on the PCB, but we’ll add our own just to be safe. Adding resistance will reduce the current, making the backlight dimmer, but the backlight should be more than bright enough for our purposes anyway

Now that we know how to power the LCD and its backlight, let’s connect it to the Pi. For convenience, we can use the power rails on the side of the breadboard. The power rails are connected as columns, rather than as rows, and are a helpful way to connect circuits where several connections to the supply voltage and GND are required. We will use the red power rail (running along the red stripe) as the 5V rail, and the blue/black power rail (running along the blue/black strip) for GND.

Connect your LCD display to the supply voltage and GND rails on the breadboard, as shown below:

16x2 character LCD display - power and backlight connection.

Then, you can connect a GND pin from your Pi to the GND rail, and a 5V pin from your Pi to the 5V power rail. Be careful to avoid accidental short circuits!

Contrast adjust

Next, we’ll add the contrast adjust circuit. This circuit is used to control the voltage level to the LCD glass, which determines the contrast between the liquid crystal and the transparent surroundings.

Page 6 in the LCD module datasheet shows how to connect a variable resistor (a potentiometer) in order to adjust the contrast of the LCD display. (Although the image shows a 20-50kΩ potentiometer, our 10kΩ potentiometer will also work.) Add your potentiometer to the breadboard circuit as shown in the diagram.)

Contrast adjust circuit, from page 6 of the datasheet.

The diagram shows the potentiometer’s outer pins connected to the same VDD and VSS reference as the LCD display, i.e. the same supply voltage and GND reference. (It doesn’t matter which of the two outside pins is at GND and which is at 5V - the trimpot is symmetric.) The middle pin of the potentiometer is connected to LCD pin 3 (V0).

16x2 character LCD display - contrast adjust.

Carefully turn the knob on the trimpot until you see one row of white squares appear on your LCD display, as illustrated. You can further adjust the contrast later, after you write some text to the display.

Contrast adjust: when adjusted properly, a row of white squares will appear on the LCD, as in the example with the green check mark.

Parallel communication interface

Now, we are ready to connect the Pi to the parallel communication interface on the LCD. We’ll use the Pi as the “controller”, to send commands and data over the parallel communication interface.

Page 6 of the datasheet shows how the LCD is meant to be connected to the controller (“MCU” is an abbreviation of “microcontroller unit”). Although it shows the remaining pins connected to the controller, we’re not going to connect it like this just yet!

Connection with MCU, from page 6 of datasheet.

We know that the pins on the Pi are not 5V tolerant - we can’t connect a 5V signal to the GPIO pins. The LCD module is powered at 5V, and any output from the module will also be 5V. To safely connect the Pi, we need to either:

Since we only need to write to the LCD for our application, not read from it, we’ll use the second approach. To make sure that the LCD module only receives from the Pi, we’ll tie the R/W control pin on the LCD module to GND. According to the “Pin functions” table shown earlier, this will keep the LCD module in “write” mode, i.e. the controller outputs to the LCD module but never the reverse.

On your breadboard circuit, connect the R/W pin to the GND rail. Now, we can safely connect the rest of the parallel communication interface. The remaining control pins, RS and E, should be connected to GPIO pins on the Pi. We’ll use pin 6 and pin 5, respectively.

16x2 character LCD - connect control pins.

From the “Pin functions” table shown earlier, we know what each of the control pins do:

Finally, we need to set up the data pins. The module supports two modes of operation:

as explained at the bottom of page 6 in the LCD module datasheet:

4-bit operation, from page 6 of the LCD module datasheet.

This further clarifies that for 4-bit mode, we use the four data pins labeled DB4, DB5, DB6, DB7.

We’ll connect these as follows:

Data lines DB0, DB1, DB2, and DB3 should be left unconnected. Now our Pi should be connected to the LCD module as shown in the diagram.

16x2 character LCD display - with control and data pins connected to Pi.

Prepare source code directories on your Pi

Open an SSH session on your Pi, and create a directory for the source code you’ll use in this lab:

mkdir ~/lab-parallel
cd ~/lab-parallel

Write code to send a byte over the bus

Now, we’re going to write a basic Python script that sends data to the display.

Create a new file named and open it for editing:


We’ll build up this script together. First, import some libraries:

import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
import time, sys

Then set up your GPIO pin to LCD pin mapping. It’s conventional to define these as constant variables (with all-caps names) near the top of the file.

# GPIO pin to LCD pin mapping
LCD_RS = 6
LCD_E  = 5
LCD_D4 = 25
LCD_D5 = 24
LCD_D6 = 23
LCD_D7 = 22

You may be wondering why we used the LCD_ prefix for each variable name - isn’t it obvious what RS is, even without the LCD_ prefix? However, in most projects we will have more than one peripheral connected to the Pi, so it’s helpful to prefix all of the constants and functions related to a particular peripheral, with that peripheral’s name.

We’ll add more constant variables to this section later. For now, though, we’ll define a few functions. To make it easier to debug, we’ll define them as “dummy” functions (empty functions that don’t do anything), so that we can immediately use them and test their integration in the overall program - then we’ll fill them in gradually.

Add three “dummy” function definitions and set up the main function:

# Function for sending one byte of data to the display, 
# in either LCD_CMD (command) or LCD_CHR (data character) mode.
# Takes care of setting the RS line (HIGH for data, LOW for instructions), 
# pulsing the E line, and sending the data one parallel 'nibble' at a time. 
def lcd_byte(bits, mode):

# Function for initializing the display when it is 
# first powered on
def lcd_init():

# Function for sending a single ASCII character to the display
def lcd_char(c):

# This function is executed when the script runs
def main():

if __name__ == '__main__':

  except KeyboardInterrupt:

Test your “dummy” functions by running the script:


It won’t do anything, but at least it should run without raising any errors! Now, we can gradually build it up, running it again to test it after each change.

Write the lcd_byte function

Let’s fill in the lcd_byte function, which we worked on together in class.

Add some constant variables near the top, just after your GPIO pin-to-LCD pin mapping. These make it easier to write code about the state of the RS line, and to time the write operation:

# Define state of RS pin in character and command mode
LCD_CHR = GPIO.HIGH   # High in data (character) mode
LCD_CMD = GPIO.LOW    # Low in instruction (command) mode

# Timing constants
LCD_E_HI = 0.0005
LCD_E_LO = 0.0005

The datasheet for the SPLC80 driver clarifies how to send data in 4 bit mode - we send the higher “nibble” first, then the lower “nibble”:

Interfacing in 4 bit mode.

The timing diagram for write operations, on page 25 of the SPLC780 driver datasheet, further clarifies exactly what happens on the bus during each write operation. We can see that E acts as a clock signal, pulsing each time a new bit is transmitted on the data lines. The datasheet also specifies the minimum time that each data and control line must be “held” at its desired value before, during, and after the pulse. (We’ll be extra conservative, and hold the line longer.) With that in mind, let’s fill in the lcd_byte function.

Timing diagram for write operations to the LCD module.
# Function for sending one byte of data to the display, 
# in either LCD_CMD (command) or LCD_CHR (data character) mode.
# Takes care of setting the RS line (HIGH for data, LOW for instructions), 
# pulsing the E line, and sending the data one parallel 'nibble' at a time. 
def lcd_byte(bits, mode):

  # Set RS line to whatever we passed in "mode"
  GPIO.output(LCD_RS, mode)

  print("Sending %s in mode %d" % ('{:08b}'.format(bits), mode))

  # Send high (leftmost) bits
  GPIO.output(LCD_D7, (bits >> 7) & 1)
  GPIO.output(LCD_D6, (bits >> 6) & 1)
  GPIO.output(LCD_D5, (bits >> 5) & 1)
  GPIO.output(LCD_D4, (bits >> 4) & 1)

  # Pulse "E" line
  GPIO.output(LCD_E, GPIO.LOW)
  GPIO.output(LCD_E, GPIO.LOW)

  # Send low (rightmost) bits
  GPIO.output(LCD_D7, (bits >> 3) & 1)
  GPIO.output(LCD_D6, (bits >> 2) & 1)
  GPIO.output(LCD_D5, (bits >> 1) & 1)
  GPIO.output(LCD_D4, (bits >> 0) & 1)

  # Pulse "E" line
  GPIO.output(LCD_E, GPIO.LOW)
  GPIO.output(LCD_E, GPIO.LOW)

Also, in the lcd_init function, set up those GPIO pins:

# Function for initializing the display when it is 
# first powered on
def lcd_init():


    # Configure pins as outputs
    GPIO.setup(LCD_RS, GPIO.OUT)
    GPIO.setup(LCD_E, GPIO.OUT)
    GPIO.setup(LCD_D4, GPIO.OUT)
    GPIO.setup(LCD_D5, GPIO.OUT)
    GPIO.setup(LCD_D6, GPIO.OUT)
    GPIO.setup(LCD_D7, GPIO.OUT)

(We’ll fill in the rest of lcd_init in a later section.)

To test it, let’s temporarily add an lcd_byte call to our main function. Send an easily recognizable pattern so that we can see how the bus works (this is the letter N, send to the data register on the display):

lcd_byte(0b01001110, LCD_CHR)

Let’s inspect this signal. The instructions below are for piscope, but you can use the Logic Analyzer tool on the Analog Discovery 2 if you prefer. (If you use the AD2, you can use the row of “header” that came with it to more easily connect multiple DIO pins on the AD2 to the adjacent breadboard rows.)

If you are using piscope: in a VNC session, run

sudo pigpiod

if it is not already running, and open piscope:


Watch the LCD control lines (GPIO 5, 6) and data lines (GPIO 22, 23, 24, 25) and run again. You should see the following signal appear on the bus when you run your script:

Sending the letter N to the data register.

However, nothing will appear on the display (yet) because we haven’t initialized it properly. We’ll do that in the next section!

Lab report: Change the call to the send_byte function - send the first character of your net ID (in lowercase), instead of the capital N. Take a screenshot of your piscope or AD2 display showing the byte. Annotate this screenshot as follows:

When watching a digital communication bus in piscope, it’s up to you to identify what’s happening on the bus! With the Analog Discovery 2, however, you can use the Logic Analyzer application and it will “decode” the bus for you.

I’m not going to ask you to “decode” the parallel bus using the AD2 this week, but please watch this video which shows what it looks like and how it works.

Write the lcd_init function

Before we can send text to appear on the LCD display, we need to initialize the display by sending commands to configure its operation. The datasheet for the control IC shows a “typical” procedure used to initialize the display in various modes. For example, the SPLC780 datasheet shows the following procedure for initializing the display in 4-bit mode:

Initializing the display in 4-bit mode - page 12 of SPLC780 datasheet.

We’ll follow this procedure in the lcd_init function to set up our display.

First, note that in the initialization procedure, we send several sequences of bytes to the LCD display’s instruction register (note the value shown on the RS line!) To learn about the instructions available, we’ll refer to the SPLC780 datasheet. Refer to page 6 of this datasheet, where it starts to define some of the commands. Here are a few examples:

Selected commands from the SPLC780 datasheet.

In your script, fill in some important commands at the end of your constant variable section:

# Values for important instructions
LCD_CMD_CLEAR  = 0b00000001 # clear display
LCD_CMD_DSPON  = 0b00001110 # display on, with cursor, no blinking
LCD_CMD_DSPOFF = 0b00001000 # display off
LCD_CMD_ENTRY  = 0b00000110 # entry mode set
LCD_CMD_FNSET  = 0b00101000 # function set, 4 bit operation, 2 lines, 5x8 font
LCD_CMD_4BIT   = 0b00110010 # change to 4 bit mode
LCD_CMD_RESET  = 0b00110000 # reset (as described in "Reset function")

Then, fill in the lcd_init function - we’ll have it configure each of the control and data pins as outputs, then configure the display in 4 bit mode, send the intialization sequence, and turn the display on:

# Function for initializing the display when it is 
# first powered on
def lcd_init():


    # Configure pins as outputs
    GPIO.setup(LCD_RS, GPIO.OUT)
    GPIO.setup(LCD_E, GPIO.OUT)
    GPIO.setup(LCD_D4, GPIO.OUT)
    GPIO.setup(LCD_D5, GPIO.OUT)
    GPIO.setup(LCD_D6, GPIO.OUT)
    GPIO.setup(LCD_D7, GPIO.OUT)

    # Put display in 4-bit mode
    lcd_byte(LCD_CMD_RESET,  LCD_CMD) 
    lcd_byte(LCD_CMD_RESET,  LCD_CMD)
    lcd_byte(LCD_CMD_4BIT,   LCD_CMD) 
    # Run the rest of the initialization sequence
    lcd_byte(LCD_CMD_FNSET,  LCD_CMD)
    lcd_byte(LCD_CMD_DSPOFF, LCD_CMD)
    lcd_byte(LCD_CMD_CLEAR,  LCD_CMD)
    lcd_byte(LCD_CMD_ENTRY,  LCD_CMD)

    # Turn the display on
    lcd_byte(LCD_CMD_DSPON,  LCD_CMD)

Then, run again. This time, you should see the character appear on the display!

Write the lcd_char function

While we can now send a binary number to the display, we have to look up each character manually in the ASCII conversion chart to identify the number to send. Let’s fill in the lcd_char function to do this for us.

To fill in the lcd_char function, note that the ord function in Python accepts a character as an argument, and returns an integer representing the code point of the character. Use this to implement the lcd_char function, which accepts a character as an argument and sends it to the display.

Lab report: Modify the main function in your so that it:

Take a photo of the display while your net ID appears on it. Upload this photo, and your final (Note: for full credit, your code should be clean, organized, and well documented.)

Flask UI for the LCD display

Finally, we’ll develop a browser-based UI to send text and commands to the display. You can follow along with this video as we set up the task.

Create a new directory called flask-app in your lab-parallel directory, then navigate to it:

mkdir ~/lab-parallel/flask-app
cd ~/lab-parallel/flask-app

It’s good practice to separate the functions that deal with the low-level hardware calls, from the code that runs the UI logic. As we have done previously,

We’ll start with the second item - the Flask UI, which includes an HTML file and a Python script.

In the flask-app directory, create an index.html file:

nano ~/lab-parallel/flask-app/index.html

and put the following HTML inside this file:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Hello Flask! (LCD)</title>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="">
     <div class="container">
        <div class="row align-items-center">
       <div class="col-9">
             <h1>Input text to display on LCD</h1>
             <form method="POST">
             <div class="form-group">
                <input class="form-control" maxlength="32" name="text">
             <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary">Submit</button>
           <div class="col-3">
             <div class="btn-group-vertical">
               <a href="/cmd/0" class="btn btn-warning" role="button">Clear display</a>
               <a href="/cmd/1" class="btn btn-danger" role="button">Display off</a>
               <a href="/cmd/2" class="btn btn-success" role="button">Display on</a>

This page has a form with a text input field. When you type some text into this field (up to 32 characters, since the LCD is 16x2!) and click the Submit button, the text will be processed inside your Flask app.

It also has several buttons on the side, which will be used to send commands to the display.

The overall UI will look like this:

Flask UI appearance.

Then, create the Python script that controls the behavior of the UI:

nano ~/lab-parallel/flask-app/

with the following contents:

from flask import Flask, request, redirect
import virtualhat

app = Flask(__name__, static_folder='')

def show_form():
    return app.send_static_file('index.html')

@app.route('/', methods=['POST'])
def process_text():
    text = request.form['text']
    # do something here!
    return redirect("/")

def process_cmd(action):
    # do something here!
    return redirect("/")

if __name__ == "__main__":
    virtualhat.setup()'', port=80, debug=True, threaded=True)

Notice that this Flask app includes several calls to virtualhat library functions:

Now, let’s download the virtualhat library and edit it:

git clone
cd virtualhat

Add three functions associated with the LCD display to this library. These will become virtualhat library functions:

def lcd_init():
    # Set up GPIO pins connected to the display
    # send the initialization sequence to the display

def lcd_msg(text):
    # Send the message to the data register on display
    # if longer than 16 characters, wrap around to second line

def lcd_cmd(action):
    # Look up the action index  
    # send the associated command to the instruction register on the display

Also modify the existing setup() function to call lcd_init():

def setup():
    print("All peripherals and sensors have been set up successfully!")
    return True

Save the modified virtualhat library file, then install it with

sudo python3 install

Then, return to the flask-app directory:

cd ~/lab-parallel/flask-app

You can now run your flask app with

sudo python3

and you should be able to view the Flask page in your browser. Open a browser on any device on the same network as your Pi, and in the address bar, type the Pi’s IP address.

Although you can access and view the Flask UI, it’s not actually functional, since you haven’t yet implemented lcd_init, lcd_msg, and lcd_cmd! Once you have verified that you can access the page, stop the Flask app with Ctrl+C.

Your task is to modify the virtualhat library as follows:


To modify the virtualhat library, navigate to the directory where the source code of this version of the virtualhat library is located:

cd ~/lab-parallel/flask-app/virtualhat

and then open the file for editing.


After editing, you will have to re-install the library:

sudo python3 install

to test your changes. Then, you’ll have to re-run the Flask app:

cd ~/lab-parallel/flask-app/
sudo python3

You can refer to the demo video to see how a correct solution would work.

Lab report Upload your modified file. (Note: you shouldn’t have any changes in! Use exactly the I provided here.) (For full credit, your code should be clean, organized, and well documented.)

Lab report: Show a photograph of your LCD display after you enter the following message in the web form (substitute your own net ID):

Welcome DP Corp employee (net ID)

Also show a photograph of your LCD display after you enter the following message in the web form:

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog