TCP sockets and the TCP state diagram

Unlike UDP, which we studied in a previous lab exercise, TCP is a reliable and connection oriented transport protocol, and includes features such as flow control and congestion control. (Applications using UDP can also implement their own versions of these features - for example, TFTP uses a sliding window flow control to transfer data using UDP. However, it’s not included in the transport layer for UDP - it has to be implemented in the application.)

Overview: TCP sockets and the TCP state diagram

Applications that “live” above the transport layer use the socket API to send and receive data over networks. For applications using TCP, calls to the socket API cause the socket to transition between the states in the TCP state diagram:

State transition diagram.

TCP starts with connection establishment. Of the two communication endpoints, one will listen for incoming connections and the other will use connect to initiate the connection. The host that listens is known as the server, and the host that initiates the connection is called the client. In the diagram above, the heavy solid lines show the path typically taken by the client, and the dashed lines show the path typically taken by the server.

First, the server should:

  1. Create a TCP socket.
  2. bind to the local IP address and TCP port that the socket should use, and listen for incoming connections on the socket. This is the “passive open” step shown on the diagram. Nothing is sent on the network but the socket is now in the LISTEN state.
  3. Call accept, which won’t send anything over the network, but will wait until there is an incoming connection. When a connection is initiated by the client, accept will spin off a new socket which will be used for the connection to this host.

The client will then:

  1. Create a TCP socket.
  2. (Optional) The client may bind to the local IP address and TCP port. This is optional - if there is no explicit call to bind, the operating system will assign a TCP port to this socket in the next step.
  3. Call connect, specifying the destination IP address and port. This is the “active open” step shown on the diagram, and starts the three-way TCP handshake. A SYN is sent from the client to the server, putting the client in SYN_SENT state. The server receives the SYN and responds with a message carrying its own SYN and an ACK of the client’s SYN, putting it in SYN_RCVD state. The client receives the SYN ACK, sends an ACK, and goes to ESTABLISHED state.

Once connection establishment is complete, the client and server applications can use two more socket API calls to transfer data while remaining in the ESTABLISHED state:

  1. send to put data into the send socket buffer, from which the OS will stream data across the connection. As soon as a data segment is delivered to the receive socket buffer at the other endpoint, an ACK is sent in response.
  2. recv to read data from the receive socket buffer.

Finally, the client or server can use the shutdown socket API call to send a FIN to the other endpoint, and close the connection. Either side can initiate the shutdown, but we’ll describe the scenario where the client initiates the shutdown.

  1. The client calls shutdown, and sends a FIN over the network. The client is in FIN_WAIT_1 state. The server receives the FIN and sends an ACK, at which point the server is in CLOSE_WAIT state. When the ACK is received by the client, the client is in FIN_WAIT_2 state.
  2. The server in CLOSE_WAIT state calls shutdown, sending its own FIN. The client receives the FIN and sends an ACK, putting it in TIME_WAIT state; after some time elapses, the connection will be closed. The server receives the ACK, and closes its connection.

In this experiment, we will execute each of the socket API calls involved in TCP connection establishment, data transfer, and shutdown, and observe their effect on the operating system and on the network.

For these exercises, you will need three SSH sessions on romeo, and three on juliet: one for the Python shell in which you’ll set up your sockets, one for running tcpdump to see the effect of each socket API call on the network, and one for using Linux utilities like lsof and ss to observe the effect of each socket API call on the local system.

Exercise: open a TCP socket

On each workstation (romeo and juliet), run

sudo tcpdump -i eth1 -SnvX tcp

to observe network traffic.

Also on each workstation (romeo and juliet) run


to open an interactive Python terminal. We will use Python to explore sockets, because it is easy to understand even if you don’t have any previous Python experience.

On romeo and juliet, run

import socket

sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) 

in the Python terminal, to create a TCP socket. (Notice that the socket type for a TCP socket is socket.SOCK_STREAM. In the last lab assignment, we used a socket.SOCK_DGRAM type socket for UDP transport.)

Check the output in the tcpdump windows - is anything sent on the network when the socket is created? Save the output for your lab report.

The lsof command lets us list open files that are in use by applications and processes on this host. Since sockets are represented as files to the operating system, we can use it to see sockets, once they are bound to an IP address and port.

On both romeo and juliet, run

lsof -n -i tcp

Since the sockets you have created are not yet bound to any address or port, you won’t see any file descriptor for them yet.

Also check the output of

ss -t -o state all -ipn src

which shows socket statistics. Again, you won’t see these sockets listed, since they’re not yet bound to any IP address and port.

Stop the tcpdump, but leave your Python terminals open, as we will continue to use these sockets in the next few exercises.

Exercise: TCP connection refused

Normally, we would not try to initiate a connection until the server has called bind and then listen, and is prepared to process incoming connections with accept. However, in this exercise we will try to establish a connection when there is not a server process in the LISTEN state, to see what TCP does in this case.

We will use romeo as the client and juliet as the server.

In a Linux shell on juliet, run

sudo tcpdump -i eth1 -SnvX

to see a live packet summary. In a Linux shell on romeo, run

sudo tcpdump -i eth1 -w $(hostname -s)-tcp-connection-refused.pcap 

Then, in the Python shell on romeo, run

sock.connect(('', 4000))

to try and establish a connection to TCP port 4000 on juliet. (Note that juliet has not yet called bind and listen to accept incoming connections on that port!)

You should see a ConnectionRefusedError in the Python shell. Also note the output in tcpdump.

Stop the tcpdump, but leave your Python terminals open, as we will continue to use these sockets in the next few exercises. Transfer the file to your laptop with scp and open it in Wireshark. Or, you can play back the packet capture with

tcpdump -SnXr $(hostname -s)-tcp-connection-refused.pcap 

Note the TCP flags that are set in the message from romeo to juliet, and in the response from juliet to romeo.

Lab report: In Lab 2, you saw what happened when a client tries to reach a UDP port on which no process is listening. In this exercise, you saw what happened when a client tries to reach a TCP port on which no process is listening. Explain what happened in the TCP case, using evidence from this experiment, and note any difference from the UDP case. What kind of message (TCP, UDP, ICMP) is sent from the destination host in each case? What header fields are used in each case, to indicate that there is no service listening on that port?

Exercise: TCP connection establishment

Next, we’re going to set up juliet as a TCP server, to listen for incoming connections on port 4000.

In a Linux shell on romeo, run

sudo tcpdump -i eth1 -w $(hostname -s)-tcp-connection-establishment.pcap 

to save packets to a file. In a Linux shell on juliet, run

sudo tcpdump -i eth1 -SnvX tcp

to see a live packet summary.

Then, in the Python shell on juliet, run

sock.bind(('', 4000))

Check the tcpdump window on juliet, which is showing a live packet summary. Is anything sent over the network following the call to bind or listen?

On juliet, run

lsof -n -i tcp

Now you should see a TCP socket on IP address and TCP port 4000, and it will also indicate that the socket is in the LISTEN state.

Next, in the Python shell on romeo, run

sock.connect(('', 4000))

to establish a connection to the listening socket on juliet. Note the output in the tcpdump on juliet, which should show the TCP handshake.


lsof -n -i tcp

in a Linux shell on both hosts, to see the file descriptors assigned to TCP sockets. Also check the output of

ss -t -o state all -ipn src

which shows socket statistics.

On romeo, you should see a socket in the ESTABLISHED state, with the remote address It will be labeled with the IP address and port number of both endpoints. The UDP sockets we observed in a previous week were not connection-oriented, and the same socket could send data to multiple different destinations, so the socket is defined only by the local IP address and port. Since TCP sockets are connection-oriented, a socket that is part of an established connection can only transfer data to and from one remote endpoint, so the socket is defined by a four-tuple of local IP, local port, remote IP, and remote port.

On juliet, you won’t see any change in the output of lsof yet. That is because our application has not yet called accept, so the established TCP connection has not been assigned a file descriptor yet! When the application does call accept, it will return a file descriptor for the socket in the ESTABLISHED state, and it will appear in both the lsof and ss output. The file descriptor for the socket in the LISTEN state will remain in that state, listening for more incoming connections from other remote hosts.

Try it now - in the Python shell on juliet, run

conn_sock, conn_addr = sock.accept()

You won’t see any new traffic in the tcpdump window, since this socket API call only has local effects. However, if you run

lsof -n -i tcp


ss -t -o state all -ipn src

again in a Linux shell on juliet, you’ll see two entries:

Leave your tcpdump and Python terminals open, as we will continue to use these sockets in the next few exercises.

Exercise: TCP send and receive

Now, we’re going to use our sockets to exchange data between romeo and juliet.

Inside the Python terminal on romeo, run

sock.send(b"Hello juliet")

In the tcpdump window on juliet, you should see a packet carrying this message, and then an acknowledgement for that message. Note the sequence number in the TCP header. TCP tracks each byte of data sent and acknowledged using sequence numbers. The numbering starts from the random initial sequence number in the SYN packet, is incremented by 1 after sending the SYN, and is then incremented by 1 for each byte of data sent. In the TCP header of a packet, the sequence number is the number of the first byte of data in the packet.

The message will be sent over the network, and juliet will place the message in the socket’s receive buffer and send an ACK in response. The ACK number will indicate the number of the next byte of data that the receiver expects to see.

For example:

Acknowledgement of a segment only indicates that it’s been placed in the socket receive buffer, but it hasn’t been passed to the application yet. When juliet calls recv on the socket, the message will be transferred from the socket buffer to the application.

Before we call recv, let’s check the current socket status on juliet. In a Linux terminal on juliet, run

ss -t -o state all -ipn src

to see all TCP connections. In the Recv-Q column for this socket, you should see a value equal to the number of bytes you just sent from romeo.

In the Python terminal on juliet, run


to read up to 1024 bytes from the socket buffer. This call should return the message you sent from romeo, and if you then run

ss -t -o state all -ipn src

again, you’ll see that there are currently 0 bytes in the receive buffer.

The client and server can both send and receive data. On juliet, send a response message to romeo - in the Python terminal on juliet, run

conn_sock.send(b"Hello romeo")

and in the Python terminal on romeo, run


to receive the message.

Leave your tcpdump and Python terminals open, as we will continue to use these sockets in the next few exercises.

Exercise: TCP connection termination

Now, we will see how to terminate a TCP connection. Either host can terminate their side of the connection by sending a FIN.

In the Python terminal on romeo, run


and note the TCP message with the FIN flag set in the tcpdump output. On romeo, run

ss -t -o state all -ipn src

and note that the connection is now in the FIN_WAIT2 state.

Also run

ss -t -o state all -ipn src

on juliet, and note that the connection is in the CLOSE_WAIT state.

Finally, in the Python terminal on juliet, run



ss -t -o state all -ipn src

again in the Linux terminal on romeo. The socket may be closed (and no longer appear in the ss output), or it may be in the TIME_WAIT state, depending on how much time has elapsed.



to close the Python terminals, and Ctrl+C to stop the tcpdump processes. Transfer the packet capture to your laptop with scp and open it in Wireshark. Or, you can play it back with

tcpdump -SnXr $(hostname -s)-tcp-connection-establishment.pcap 

This packet capture should include the TCP connection establishment, the interactive data transfer, and the TCP connection termination.

Note: Wireshark may show you relative or raw sequence and ACK numbers. The raw sequence numbers reflect the values in the TCP headers. The relative sequence numbers show the values in the TCP headers, minus the initial sequence numbers, i.e the sequence number starting from zero. Always use the raw sequence numbers in your answers to lab report questions.

Lab report: Use the packets you captured to explain TCP connection establishment. Explain how the client goes from CLOSED to SYN_SENT to ESTABLISHED state, and show the packet that is sent and/or received by the client at each state transition. Explain how the server goes from CLOSED to LISTEN to SYN_RCVDto ESTABLISHED state, and show the packet that is sent and/or received by the server at each state transition.

Lab report: As part of the three-way handshake used for connection establishment, hosts exchange information about optional capabilities that they support - for example, if they want to use a maximum segment size (MSS) greater than the default value of 536B. Which options are used by both endpoints in this exchange? (Here is a list of TCP options, with links to more information about each one.)

Lab report: You would expect to see TCP packets appear on a network link following which socket API calls?

Lab report: When a server receives a SYN over a TCP connection, it sends a SYN ACK in response. When is the SYN ACK sent - is it sent by the operating system as soon as the SYN is received, or is it only sent once the server calls accept?

Lab report: When a host receives a data segment over a TCP connection, it sends an ACK. When is this ACK sent - when the data is received by the operating system at the receiver, or when the data is received by the application at the receiver (by calling recv)?

Lab report: Use the packets you captured to show how TCP sequence numbers and ACK numbers are computed.

Lab report: Use the packets you captured to explain TCP connection termination. Explain how the client goes from ESTABLISHED to FIN_WAIT_1 to FIN_WAIT_2 to TIME_WAIT to CLOSED state, and show the packet that is sent and/or received by the client at each state transition. Explain how the server goes from ESTABLISHED to CLOSE_WAIT to LAST_ACKto CLOSED state, and show the packet that is sent and/or received by the server at each state transition.